What an amazing finish! While the studying continued in our third module of the unique Hunyuan Qi Therapists program, Master Yuantong Liu continued to share new theories, additional Hunyuan Qi methods, tools and healing approaches. We created wonderful results with real clients and had a lot of fun exploring the beautiful Big Island of Hawaii.
Of course, we were not on holiday, so also the written exam had to be successfully completed before we would officially certify our first 14 Hunyuan Qi Therapists from around the world! Congratulations for this extraordinary accomplishment!
Our 14 certified Hunyuan Qi Therpists represent 8 countries (Austria, Germany, The Netherlands, Spain Sweden, Spain, the USA, and Mexico) and they are listed in our new HYQT Therapist directory: http://relaunch.hunyuanqitherapy.com/hyqt-therapist-listings/