Qigong Science is the study of the effects and mechanisms of Qigong, a traditional Chinese exercise and health technique. It aims to understand how Qigong works, the benefits it provides, and its potential as a complementary medicine.
Zhineng Qigong as a bridge?
Much like Qigong, Qigong Science is based on the concept of Qi (vital energy). According to traditional Chinese medicine, TCM, Qi can be influenced by physical, mental, and emotional factors. It can also be enhanced or depleted by various practices. The holistic healing practice of Zhineng Qigong is infamous for being the driving force of the Medicine-less Hospital, which had an overall effectiveness rate of 95%. Remarkably, as the name suggests, it functioned completely without medicine. Here Zhineng Qigong science was used to explore What, Why, and How?
Zhineng Qigong drew on traditional Qigong, TCM and Western Medicine, but it truly served as the unification of modern knowledge and ancient wisdom. While its science constantly grew and evolved, it continued to focus on the advancement of human health and well-being. At the Medicine-less Hospital more solutions were unveiled through research, theories were evaluated in depth, and more work had to be done…

Traditional Qigong

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Western Medicine
Qigong Science at the Medicine-less Hospital
There are countless specialized theories in Qigong Science. A fundamental theory is the Theory of Hunyuan Qi and it forms the basis of all technological applications of Zhineng Qigong. It discusses the impact of Qigong on the different forms of Hunyuan Qi. At the Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Centre, known as the medicine-less hospital, a range of experts worked together with Qigong practitioners, setting out to unravel the laws of human life. They did this by assessing how Qigong could bring about changes (in living and non-living things), and studied the effects of Hunyuan qi.
Dr Pang Ming, organized a series of workshops for scientific experts and doctors to bridge the gap between Zhineng Qigong and modern science. Many experts from different fields participated in these workshops, which usually lasted for two weeks and had 50–100 attendees. As a result of these workshops, scientists studied Zhineng Qigong from a modern scientific perspective. In addition, Dr Pang and his Science Research Department at the Huaxia Centre studied the universal and human life principles. Their most important research involved sending information that directed universe qi to create different kinds of energy (heat, electricity, magnetism, light, etc.). At the same time, they also gave Qigong treatments to patients and made note of their recovery. Learn about the Medicine-less Hospital here.
Footage from
The Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Center
The Medicine-less Hospital
treated over 200,000 patients with various chronic and incurable diseases, while it achieved an overall effectiveness rate of 95%. Simultaneously, it researched Zhineng Qigong Science and published studies and books on its theory and technical applications/practices.
How we continue Zhineng Qigong Science
The Hunyuan Qi Therapy program, is deeply influenced by the teachings and methods of the Medicineless Hospital, under the guidance of Master Yuantong Liu, a student of Dr Pang Ming and former teacher at the Huaxia Center. While the programme itself aims to teach individuals Qigong therapy, certifying them in the process, here is how we implement Qigong Science just as the Medicineless Hospital did.
The work of Hunyuan Qi Therapy:
- Similarly to the Huaxia Center, we study theories, like the Theory of Hunyuan Qi, and teach practitioners how to apply it technically along with various Qigong practice methods.
- We teach practitioners to direct external Hunyuan Qi, training them to give Qi treatments to clients, as well as send Qi to inanimate objects to change their state.
- During these retreats, we capture the data based on clients who have come for improving their health holistically, and based on experiments (one experiment includes magnetizing the needle, which evaluates the change in magnetization after sending Qi).
- In addition, we collect accounts of clients and practitioners who have recovered successfully with Hunyuan Qi Therapy. Find their testimonies here.