Foundation Module in Cyprus: Leilah’s Inspiring Story of Healing and Empowerment with the Hunyuan Qi Therapy Program

In this interview, Leilah, a participant in our Hunyuan Qi Therapy Program, shares her personal journey, experiences, and profound insights gained from her time during the Foundation Module in Cyprus.

Join us as we delve into her motivations for joining, her reflections on this module, memorable moments and exercises, and how she plans to integrate her newfound knowledge and skills into her daily life and future endeavors. Prepare to be inspired by Leilah’s passion for healing and her commitment to making a positive difference in her community through the power of Zhineng Qigong.

Please introduce yourself and tell us what made you register for the Hunyuan Qi Therapy Program.

My name is Leilah Cupido, I’m the project manager for the Student’s Hub and I’ve been practicing Zhineng Qigong for over a year and a half. I decided to join the Hunyuan Qi Therapy program to guide my healing journey and help others heal as well. I also wanted to deepen my practice so that I could share Zhineng Qigong with a better understanding and knowledge.

How would you describe your overall experience at the Foundation Module?

My experience was truly amazing and more impactful than I could have imagined. I know that it changed who I am and how I think in a way that transcends my limited old self. I also noticed a really beautiful phenomenon during the course. It was as if everything was synchronized.

There was a deep connection within our team and with what Master Liu was teaching us.

I found that conversations we had, and ideas on healing we explored in our own time, were further explored in our lessons afterwards. I would think things or have internal conflicts without raising them and then Master Liu would discuss those same conflicts and offer a solution on how to resolve them. To me, this was really astonishing and it made the learning experience even more interactive within the group as well as on a really personal level.

Could you share any specific moments or exercises from the training that were particularly memorable or transformative for you?

There were several moments during the training that transformed me, upon reflection I think it was all part of a process easing into a big personal transformation. Each step made, induced that big change with more ease and provided me with a way I could make the transformation stick. When doing the Chen Qi method during the morning practice, I found that it was extremely difficult on my second day.

Chen Qi: A Zhineng Qigong method which involves relaxing the mind and body, allowing the flow of Qi energy and leading to a profound sense of ease and connection.

I was only practicing physically but my mind was stuck on the painful sensation. On the third day, Britta told me, with full trust: this is easy, hao-la and with full trust I believed her. My shoulders relaxed, becoming less tense and it truly was easy. This was transforming the information. Later, when Wabke, another facilitator and Qi therapist, and I spoke about relaxation, it opened a doorway in my mind. When we learnt how to relax, it cemented that thought. Practice was suddenly completely different.

I felt the Qi better, it was easier and with this came another transformation: Relaxation.

After all the lessons, and with more lessons to come, the end of the training gifted its biggest transformation. One morning practice after experiencing some emotional issues that have always been present in my life, consciously, I was ready to transform and break the reference framework, putting the learnt knowledge into action after feeling sluggish and mopey in the days before.

Before moving on to Chen Qi, I told myself this is easy, relax, enjoy the journey and just be open.

Not only was it the easiest Chen Qi session of my life (I found myself dancing along with the joyful Qi), but it also came with a big sensation. The sensation was powerful and the energy, familiar. It felt like something I had lost many years ago was coming back to me. And with it came a smiling comfort and a deep trust, my body finally belonged to me:

I was home.

How do you plan to integrate the knowledge and skills you gained from your time in Cyprus into your daily life, future practice, and career, if applicable?

I am already integrating the things I’ve learnt in several ways. In my daily life I find it easier to be more conscious, in a Qigong state. And with what seems like an awakening of the true self through practice and meditation, I feel more confident to look inward and considerately guide each decision I make. I even apply my training when I am working, on a personal level whether I have conflicts with my co-workers or am busy with a new project. When I am in need of wisdom and guidance, I integrate the lessons I’ve learnt from the training, and it helps everything to improve.

In the same way I have often used some information from the Life Changer programs to inspire new projects, I plan to use the HYQT program to promote successful healing content for the Student’s Hub along with other valuable resources I have.

For a future in practice, I plan to integrate the tools I have learnt through training to ensure successful healing journeys in others. Currently, I am doing this on a much smaller scale by offering free healing treatments to friends, family members and those in need. From the feedback I have received, I know that just one treatment can make an immense difference within an individual.

My next steps include coordinating and offering group practice sessions within my own community, which is largely underprivileged (lacking fundamental, accessible healthcare for physical and mental illnesses) and using Zhineng Qigong as a tool to empower members of youth.

From what I have learnt during the training, the methods offer great benefits, apart from health, vitality, and beauty (inside and out), they allow students to really channel their resilience, strength of mind, and find confidence within themselves.

While individuals in my community face various traumas, I think Zhineng Qigong would really help to cultivate positivity and a very necessary ‘new point of life’. This gentle approach is extremely impactful, and from my own experience I find that it is a much better approach in comparison to the almost violent and invasive approach of healthcare systems. By using what I have learnt during training, and with my position as a community leader, my plan is to truly make a difference.