We have asked our certified Hunyuan Qi Therapist Reyna Lerma (USA) to explain what Hunyuan Qi Therapy is …
… This is what she is sharing and what is also published in the
Zhineng Qigong Worldwide Magazine 2018
Hunyuan Qi Therapy is a medical treatment that has been developed based on the theory of the Hunyuan Whole Entity, the foundation of Zhineng Qigong Science. It is a holistic energy therapy that treats disease with external qi and Zhineng Qigong exercises. The objective is to get rid of the disease, thereby prolonging and enhancing life.
Being a holistic therapy, the focus is the root of the illness, nourishing the life force through reaching more optimal levels of balance, be it in the physical, psychosomatic, and/or vital essence realm of being. Yet, contrary to western science ideology, the paradigm shift of Hunyuan Qi Therapy is its ability to work exclusively with the inherent and innate ability of the body to heal itself. Once again the focus is the root, not the illness itself.
The degree to which clients cognize new information about Zhineng Qigong Healing helps the practitioner to formulate the most accessible approach. This information should enable the clients to open their hearts and minds completely to the present moment and regain their trust and belief in their ability to heal. Transcending beyond trust and belief into the realm of knowing that healing is completely possible is also an intention worth noting. Below are some characteristics and principles that are important for a client to grasp Hunyuan Qi Therapy’s power and beauty and appreciate this energy therapy.
The main ingredient and starting point in the conscious healing process of clients is to first have them formulate concise intentions. The importance of intention is then underlined, with the practitioner explaining that intention is truly the fuel source, the driving mechanism for the very existence of the universe. This applies to all levels of life living, including daily life activities, and is a key ingredient to the healing process. The intention is the flag one sets, focusing the mind on it with energy following to reach it.
When formulating an intention, one must focus on the result, not the illness. If one focuses on the illness, the likelihood of one succumbing to an illness mindset is high. Yes, the illness is in the present moment, yet it is merely a reflection of the past. An intention is set for the future. Just as an illness comes from the past and intertwines with the present moment, so too is an intention that is set for the future interlaced in the present, through the action of life activity. Although the intention is not yet manifested, as in the case of a current state of illness, when one sets an intention, one focuses on what life would be like when this intention is realized. An example is if a client want to heal a knee. The intention is not to heal the knee. The intention is to hike Mount Shasta in the summer of 2018. This creates the intention for the direction in the client’s life. Allowing the client to feel, sense, what life would be like when this is accomplished creates fuel for the focus on the end result.
Following the creation of a clear intention, the next step is to become conscious of the client’s thoughts—and to watch them. Are these thoughts in alignment with the intention? This helps them see if the client is in the positive or negative polarity of the thought realm of life living. This is important because although intention is the instruction of life living, so too are thoughts, in a subtle yet profound way. If we have a strong intention and thoughts that support intention, our intention may manifest very quickly. From here deviations may occur if the intention is not strong and/or the thoughts are in the negative polarity and do not support the intention.
Another aspect that would benefit the clients is the frame of Reference. This is an important aspect of Hunyuan Qi Therapy because this frame is a foundation of their minds thinking, and this may be mentioned to help the clients understand their own consciousness. Beyond the negative and positive polarity cycle, Frame of Reference points to the clients’ perception of their lives and may need to be adjusted to be in alignment with true intention. One may think of the intention of life as the steering wheel of a boat, the frame of reference as the sails, and the individual thoughts as our steadfastness or attention to the steering.
When it comes to the actual therapy, countless methods are available, yet it follows the principles of the nature life. Open/close, absorb/release, in/out, and transform are the steps that all natural life follows. These natural laws are the ones observed in the therapy, and an imbalance of the client can be traced to an imbalance in one of these laws.
Speaking on the specific role of the Hunyuan Qi Therapist, the therapist collects qi from the universe, called external Qi and emits this Qi to the client. This is important to know because external universal Qi is ever abundant, and the client should relax in the knowing that the therapist is not depleting his or her own Qi through the process.
The client need only relax and focus on the intention, connect to it, and then let it go, so as to not become overexcited, and continue the relaxation process to better absorb the qi therapy. Some other factors that can be shared are the process of the creation of the Qi Field, the several methods in more detail as well, such as Hunyuan Ling Tong Meditation, Hao-La, etc.
Lastly, depending what condition the client is in, a therapist would give to clients several Zhineng Qigong practices that would benefit the clients directly. This is also an important step to empower the clients to develop their inner wisdom and continue the journey as a practitioner of Zhineng Qigong and reap the benefits of the journey.
Read more in the latest issue of the worldwide Zhineng Qigong Science Magazine