Category Archives: News

Foundation Module in Cyprus: Leilah’s Inspiring Story of Healing and Empowerment with the Hunyuan Qi Therapy Program

In this interview, Leilah, a participant in our Hunyuan Qi Therapy Program, shares her personal journey, experiences, and profound insights gained from her time during the Foundation Module in Cyprus. Join us as we delve into her motivations for joining, her reflections on this module, memorable moments and exercises, and how she plans to integrate […]


If one lives life with a clear intention – either for one’s whole life or for parts of one’s life related to daily life activities and results one like to achieve – that filters through to all levels, all actions, all thoughts and feelings, then perfect health, inner peace and happiness will naturally unfold.

2020 – Has been a powerful Year for our Hunyuan Qi Therapy community – In many ways !

Here are a few: The power of the Qi field: Not only since the so called “Covid-19 pandemic” the world is under constant change and uncertainty. We as human beings are now even more confronted with what the professional world has already given a name for, calling it the new “VUCA world”. A world that […]

The Gift of working with Qi

Mary Morrison is a licensed acupuncture practitioner based in Washington D.C. in the USA.  In 2018 she embarked on a new journey to become a Hunyuan Qi Therapist, a journey that she herself describes as “life changing.”  Using her own words: “It has been a wonderful journey, just learning about how amazing the body is […]

Sharing the power of Hunyuan Qi Therapy at the first International Zhineng Qigong Science Conference

It’s a first – not only for us but also for the entire Zhineng Qigong community and people interested in raising their consciousness around the scientific aspects of holistic health and well-being:  From 28 – 30 August 2020 people from around the world will come together to “Unite, share and grow together” at the first […]

Interview with Hunyuan Qi Therapist Bianca: “Helping people, helping myself, it’s like a big, amazing journey”

This healing story is true inspiration and motivation, a personal journey showcasing how Zhineng Qigong can positively influence one’s life and the life of others. 38-year old teacher Bianca from Germany, mother of two young children, was diagnosed with a form of chronic fatigue.  After having had no success of getting better with the help […]